Various Forms of Heel Pain You Could Develop

One of the most common medical conditions people will develop in their lifetime is heel pain. Since many individuals tend to be on their feet for long hours at a time, they will become susceptible to a host of problems that could end up becoming debilitating if not addressed by a podiatrist. In addition to putting too much pressure on your feet, you may not have control over the types of shows that you wear or even the quality of surface that you have to stand on and this could put you at risk of developing heel pain. Although plantar fasciitis is one of the most common forms of heel pain, it is not the only kind that you could suffer from. Below are a few of the other various forms of heel pain that you could develop.

Achilles heel

This form of heel pain is also referred to as Achilles tendonitis. It usually presents as a chronic condition, which means once you develop it chances are you will have to deal with it on a recurring basis. Achilles tendonitis is caused by microscopic tears that form on your Achilles tendon, which is located at the back of your foot above your heel. Symptoms of this type of heel pain include inflammation as well as swelling of the tendon. You may also experience a sharp pain whenever you put pressure on the affected foot. If not attended to medically, your Achilles tendon will continue to degenerate, and this can affect the functionality of your foot.

Heel spurs

Another form of heel pain that tends to occur commonly is heel spurs. This type of heel pain comes about when abnormal growths begin to develop at the bottom of your foot. These growths will be tender to the touch. As such, any pressure applied to them, when you walk or run will cause painful sensations to run your leg. There are different reasons why you may begin to grow heal spurs. The most common cause for this type of heel pain is if you are wearing shoes that are ill-fitting or too tight, particularly high heels. However, you can also develop heel spurs if you have improper posture when walking as your gait would exert uneven pressure on your foot. It should be noted that individuals that are flat footed or have unusually high arches may also become prone to heel spurs if they are on their feet for a prolonged period.
