2 Common Reasons Why Those With Toenail Fungal Infections Don't Go To Podiatrists

Even though there are several treatments that a podiatrist can provide to those who have toenail fungal infections, many people with this issue make the mistake of not seeking help from podiatrists. Here are some reasons why. 

They assume that a toenail fungus is just a cosmetic problem

One common reason why those who have this nail condition don't ask a podiatrist to help them is that they assume that it's only a cosmetic problem. If they are the type of person who isn't bothered by small cosmetic issues or if they hardly ever wear open-toed shoes, then they may never bother talking to a podiatrist about this issue. This is a misconception that usually stems from the fact that toenail fungal infections are often not painful; due to this, people assume they're harmless and only need to be treated by podiatrists if the person who has them doesn't like how their nails look.

In reality, a toenail fungus can lead to several issues that are more serious than the cosmetic ones it causes. For example, a long-term fungal infection in a toenail can eventually result in the nail separating from its nail bed and falling off. Toenails take a long time to regrow and during the many months that it might take for this to happen, the exposed nail bed may be at greater risk of injury and infection (as one function of the toenail is to protect the nail bed).

Additionally, the fungal infection may not remain on the nail, but could also spread to the skin around it and make this toe skin sore, inflamed and itchy. This could be uncomfortable and result in the affected person finding it harder to walk, as their toenail may hurt every time it grazes against the tip of their shoe. As such, if a person with this issue wants to keep their toenails intact and avoid secondary infections that could make exercise uncomfortable, they should see a podiatrist and get their toenail treated (with, for example, antifungal medication) as soon as they can.

They're too embarrassed about how their affected foot looks

Other people who have this condition and don't go to their podiatrists make this decision not because they don't realise how serious it is, but because they are mortified by how their affected foot looks. Toenail fungal infections can have a big impact on how the affected area appears; in addition to causing the nail plate to thicken and become crumbly, any infected skin on the toe itself (if the infection has spread) may be red and scaly.

However, none of this should stop a person from getting their toenail condition treated. Podiatrists treat these issues as well as more severe conditions such as diabetic ulcers on a daily basis, and won't blink at the sight of a badly infected toenail. They also understand how embarrassed their patients can feel when they have this issue and so will usually reassure them about how common it is. As such, getting this treatment won't be an uncomfortable or embarrassing experience and could make all the difference to the health of the person's feet.
